Sunday, October 14, 2012


I created this blog post so I can share anything (significant) that I have done throughout the years. Below is a list of links to photo albums and videos quite nearly everything extraordinary. 

Fusor 2.0
(Click for Album)

Fusor 2.0 Upgrades
(Click for Album)

Fusor 1.0
(Click for Album)

EL Wire Tie I Made For Homecoming
(Click for Album)

Amateur Astrophotography
(Click for Album)

First Neutrons

EL Wire Tie

The Cryptex

The Ring-Opened Puzzle Box

My Own "Hack" I Executed During 8th Grade

Another Practical Joke on a Teacher 

It may seem like a poorly written letter asking for a letter of recommendation...
But when you apply the enclosed key...the reader finds himself amazed that he was just Rock Roll'd via letter.

Generation III Image Intensifier Coupled With Webcam
(For X-Ray Machine)

Note: Webcam not coupled.

The Wrath of Sam Computer Controlled Golf Ball Cannon
(Name inspired by the "Mashed Taters" video)

Ham Radio
(Licensed General)
Talking through propagation.
Talking through a satellite repeater.

My Side Hobby Of RC Videography and Photography
(More video and photos available at request)

AM Transmitter

3-D Print-Folio

A functioning cannon I designed, printed, and fired.
I was given a nice (albeit short) write up on the Make: Website

My friend and I devised a "challenge" to see who could 
design and print the best rocket.

Everything else...Here is a link to my thingiverse page
where my designs were features several times.

My Singing Career

Sadly, I only have one video that backs up seven years of choir. I received top marks from my judge at state festival.

The Castelaires Ensemble Group
The church I sang in when I attended
 All-Northwest Choir in Seattle, Wa.
My Band Career
Pep band and marching band.

The Tron-Bone

After a brief discussion with my band teacher, I was allowed
 to be Mr. Dogie AND march in the parade.

Extracurricular Activities
Sports and other activities.

Featured on the 2012-2013 Winter Sports Calender
2011-2012 Swim Season
Freshman Year Football
Sophomore Year Football

National JSHS 2011 Attendee
Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Camp
National JSHS 2012 Attendee
Our Mr. and Mrs. Dogie skit for homecoming included
 driving the "dogiecart"onto the football field to
 the tune of "What is Love" by Haddaway.

Non-School Sponsored Activities/Hobbies

When I find the time, I enjoy riding my dirtbike.

I go skiing a few times a year.
I've only skied shirtless once.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fusor MKII

My costs will be added on here (this post will be edited often).
2.75" CF viewport.....................................$59.75
Edit: 2-14-11
2.75" CF Tee.............................................$25.00
2 VCR valves @ $20 ea............................$40.00
1/4 male NPT to male 1/4" VCR...............$10.00
1/4 male NPT to female 1/4" VCR............$10.00
1/4 female 1/4" swagelock tube fitting.......$10.00
plus shipping = $100 even
Edit: 3-01-11
NW 16 Manual Ball Valve.......................$190.00
Manual Right angle valve (2.75").............$333.00
2.75" CF Flanges (3 @$12)........................$36.00
2.75" CF CROSS 6-way (chamber).........$309.00
Viton Gaskets 2 sets of 5 @ 15 ea..............$30.00
1.00" ID vacuum PVC tube 2 ft @ 5/ft......$10.00
Stainless hose adapter NW25 to 1" OD......$19.00
NW25 centering ring.....................................$5.00
Aluminum wing clamp NW 16 (2 @ 4.95)...$9.90
Aluminum Wing Clamp NW 25....................$4.95
NW16 centering ring (2@$4.00)...................$8.00
2.75" nipple (4@$55.00)...........................$220.00
Copper Gaskets (2 packs of 10@ $16)........$32.00
Shipping $54.55
(4) 20' joints of 1" square tubing................Donated!
double sided flange WITH convection gauge..$114 (with shipping)
(8)HDPE Sheets..........................................$189.98
(2) DP flanges......prepare your eyes...........$432.75
(1)Stainless steel metering valve..................$59.99
(several)swagelok to NPT adapters.............$20.00
(1)swagelok plug valve...............................$14.15
(6)microwave oven capacitors.....................$20.00
(2) multimeters for current and voltage........$24.84
(1) needle valve and mirrors for viewport....$32.94
(100)ounces of deuterium oxide (D2O).......$70.00
(8) ounces of drierite ...................................$13.00
(1) 30kv diode.............................................$30.00

                                                                        -$432.75 (Flanges for my birthday!!!)
                                                                        -$100.24 (For D2O and drierite! THANKS MOM!)
TOTAL NOW..............................................$1,972.05
What I need now...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

SAM 2.0

Using our knowledge of our last cannon, we are making SAM 2.0, it is metal, and runs on oxyacetelene. Some pictures to come!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Vacuum components! + new damages!

~$370 welch 1400 pump (took a bit of cleaning *gag*)

~$24 for vacuum pump oil! gah! But it should work!
That finishes up the demo fusor aspect of my project. I still need diffusion pump oil, flanges for it (custom machined), vacuum hose which I actually need now, and some more fittings and flanges and a valve!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Star Mode

After 1...2...3 different types of grids, I finally got it right (Thanks to Will Jack)! Star mode is mine, now, I am finally ready for tuneups!

Grid1^ compared to what it was made of. This is after its used.

Grid2^ brand new!

Grid4 in action!

It is important to note that there were no pictures of grid3 because it was incredibly odd and wasn't planned to be used. Now, I can finally get on to testing.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Total damages....

High voltage feedthrough.....................................$215
Glass viewport, orings, stainless steel wire...........$50
Ultra high vacuum pump......................................$0 (borrowed)
pipe fittings........................................................~$5
new total
Well, it was worth it...I got my first light!