Monday, August 23, 2010

Project SAM revealed (sort of)

Okie dokey, im back lol. were using a venturi effect nipple to siphon air into the system AKA a ton of holes. Ive got pictures of the (now outdated) gas injection/ignition system. Heres how it goes from RIGHT to LEFT.

Propane tank> Vinyl hose (rated for 3X less pressure than it is under)>two solenoids (for backup/redundancy)> Several reducers to get from 1/2 to 1/4" (hardware store was out of direct stuff if they make it)> propane regulator>reducer>Special nipple*> screw cap/ignition system*

*We took a brass plug (the tip of the torch) and drilled a larger hole through it. We later surrounded it in JB weld and stuck it in the 1/4" nipple ( we have method to our madness) After that we drilled a hole through the nipple and angled it so we could get a more direct flow (this was just straight intuition). I can get a pretty large flame 1-3' fireball and its sucking in air because the flame is right at the end of the nipple.

**Not pictured but upgraded tonight with an ignition coil (thanks dad!) and a spark plug. Not yet tested.

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